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MM3 - Game Concept Discussion Tsu





[x]Zhen Hao

[ ]Mr Tan


  • Game Concept (Gun N Boxes Arena)

  • Work Schedule / Deadline

  • Game Engine (Unity)

Next Deliverables (28 Jul 17 Discord)

  • Game Concept / Pitch - Everyone

  • Game Art Style - Zhen Hao


Action By : All

  • Game Engine - Unity

  • Game Concept – Gun n Boxes

  • Game Concept 1

  • Game Concept 2

Game Engine

Unity (Confirmed)

  • SpriteSheet Support

  • Controller Support

  • Xbox

  • PS

Game Concept

Game Concept 1 - Prison Break

  • View TOp down

  • 2 to 4

  • Prince Architect

  • Single Screen

  • Fog of War

  • For share screen

  • Key Factor

  • To make it different

  • If player has a key

  • Some indication of key’s location or key holder

  • Cut scene to show exit door has open

  • Random exit door

  • Weapons will be laying around

  • No hand to hand

  • Many rooms and corridors

  • Have indication to point to where key is

  • AI

  • Enemy

  • Will spawn once u leave cell

  • Patrol

  • Chase only when in Line of sight

  • Issues

  • If 1 player has the key, he can just run out

  • How players know another player has the key

Game Concept 2 - Metal slug battle royale (2D/3D) (CONFIRMED)

  • Gun n Boxes

  • View TOp down

  • 1 Screen / Console

  • Pure PVP Brawler

  • Reference

  • Battlerite

  • Metal Slug (Weapons)

  • Gun and Boxes

  • Modes

  • Once die, dont respawn (Deathmatch)

  • Point System on Kills

  • Spawn to another room for respawn

  • Have to make his way back

  • Back to original weapon

  • Original weapon is lost

  • Weapon only spawns thru drops

  • Weapon disappears after ammo is out

  • FFA

  • Smaller maps

  • Shrink map (Sudden death) Bomber man

  • Power Ups

  • Shotgun

  • Grenade

  • Laser

  • Issues

  • AI

  • Can spawn AIs that drop power ups

  • Can be Boss AI

  • Deal finish blow to AI will get power up

  • Spawn individual boss

  • WHoever finish first will get the Buff

  • Wouldnt all the people get buffs at the same time?

  • Can be teleported off screen

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