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MM4 - Game Design, Art and Prosposal





[x]Zhen Hao

[ ]Mr Tan


  • Game Concept / Pitch

  • Game Art Style

Next Deliverables (1 Aug 17 SIM 1500)

  • Meeting with Mr Tan

Job Scope For the Week

Aloysius : Market Analysis

Edwin : Tech Analysis

Randy : Cost & Revenue

Zhen Hao : Concept Art / Website

Game Concept

Action By : All

Player makes it hectic

Map shouldn't be boring

Timer for each round

  • 3 to 5 minutes per round

  • Sudden death occurs at the last 1min to 30 seconds


  • Options

  • First to reach N kills

  • If no one reaches N kills, highest wins

  • Most Number of kills after timing

  • Sudden Death (Test Skills of Player)

  • No Spawn of power up during sudden death

  • No respawn of players

  • Follow Bomber Man or Guns N Boxes

  • Map gets smaller

  • Certain tiles will disappear

  • Turret Spawn in Middle


  • Check on Tues with Mr Tan

  • Haven't decided

Power Ups

  • Appear on Ground

  • Lighting effect to signal spawn

  • Spawn after n seconds

  • Different set of power up diff “boxes” / food items


  • Pistol (Sunflower gun)

  • Medium Attack Speed

  • Low Damage

  • Infinite Ammo Count

  • Machine Gun (Poop Gun)

  • High Attack Speed

  • Low Damage

  • High Ammo Count (100)

  • Rocket (Carrot)

  • Low Attack Speed

  • High Damage

  • Small Radial AOE

  • Low Ammo Count (10)

  • Laser (Pee)

  • Super High Attack Speed

  • Medium Damage

  • Ammo Count (3 Seconds – Players will see by %)


  • 4

  • Hammy (Ball About the World)


  • Roll hamster over (deal damage)

  • Immune to damage

  • Fast Speed

  • Short Duration

  • Victoria (Mega Pee Laser)

  • Purple Black

  • Laser Larger Area

  • Cannot Move

  • Pearl (She Hulk)

  • Cute with ribbons

  • Female Part of Hammy

  • Turns into giant ass hamster

  • Melee

  • Increased movement

  • Deal 1.5x damage (Might change to fix damage)

  • Scraggy (Watermelon Bomb)

  • Chubby fat hamster

  • Throws watermelon in a direction

  • Explode upon impact doing aoe damage

Character Upgrade (TO BE ADDED NEXT TIME)

  • So after every round

  • Passive Upgrade

  • Fire Rate

  • Shield / Barrier / Damage Taken

  • HP Regen

  • Number of skill points depend on Kills (?)

  • Or winner get additional skill point



  • Rocks

  • Food Bowl


  • Box / Crates / Sunflower Seeds

  • Pop out items


  • Guns


Things to Show

  • Profile

  • Player / Player colour

  • HP (number)

  • Ammo Count (Bar + %)

  • Ultimate Charge

UI Bar

  • HP: Heart Symbol

  • Ammo Count: Bullet

  • Ultimate Charge: Star (?)

  • Profile Head

  • Weapon

Game Proposal

No Experimental Features

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